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Black gold holds a charge for green cars 08 . Two-thirds of the volume of the battery in Nissan's Leaf electric car . Yet-Ming Chiang and his colleagues at the Massachusetts .

. hours, provide affordable commuting to Massachusetts . Top ten green cars of 2011 - Topping the list is the Nissan Leaf. The electric car delivers 73 miles per .


This page is all about Nissan Green Cars - Hybrid - Fuel Economy - Fuel Cells - Electric . Nissan announced that its 100% electric LEAF had won the Car of the Year Japan 2011 .

The 2011 Nissan Leaf, massachusetts green nissan electric car the world's first modern battery-electric car built in volume by a . for the LEAF to go on sale in Massachusetts . Green Car Reports on

Green cars are the bedbugs of the Los Angeles show . On the eve of the market debut of the Nissan Leaf electric car, Carlos . A123 Systems of Massachusetts said Tuesday that its .

Until then, though, Nissan's only gas-electric car will be sold only at . rules: Oregon, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New . green cars in states that don't care about green .

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